Welcome to the private practice for thyroid health in the center of the city of Salzburg!
I’m glad you found me!
As a specialist in nuclear medicine, I am your competent partner in all thyroid issues. My private practice specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of thyroid disorders, I use the concept of the on-stop shop. With just one visit, all thyroid examinations can be completed. After taking your medical history and evaluating your physical status, I will take blood samples and blood tests to assess the thyroid function and the thyroid autoantibody levels. I also do ultrasound to assess your thyroid gland (assessing the morphology and size as well as detecting and characterizing nodules).
As a nuclear medicine doctor, I have the right to do a thyroid scintigraphy if necessary (to assess your thyroid metabolism and recognize cold or hot thyroid nodules). If necessary, I also perform a fine needle aspiration biopsy to diagnose thyroid cancer in a timely manner. In most cases, the diagnosis can be made within 3 days to ensure the correct treatment as soon as possible. If necessary and desired, I can also offer you the drainage of cysts or radiofrequency ablation as a minimally invasive treatment of thyroid nodules.
If you need my expertise in the diagnosis and treatment of thyroid disorders, please contact me at
phone: + 43-662-8088-2050,
mobile + 43-664-3288078;
I am looking forward to your visit!
Prim. Univ. Dr. Doz. Gottfried Schaffler, MBA
Erstgespräch . . . . . . . . . . . ~100,00 €
Ultraschall d. Schilddrüse ~100,00 €
Szintigraphie . . . . . . . . . . ~175,00 €